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Deep in thought gaze at sunrise. Understanding of a bird

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Exclusive coaching and guidance.

Even if you live and/or work regularly in the Canary Islands, it can happen that life asks a little more of you than you planned. Before you know it, you're stuck in your business and/or personal activities. Then you want a solution. Especially when you're "wrestling" for a long time to manage things.

For example, you decided to live and work at Tenerife. As a remote worker, you're happy, but over time you'll also discover some disadvantages. This may be related to culture or work mentality. Or you miss family and friends in the homeland. Hassle with housing or the company you work for. Then it is very nice to regularly have a sprucing with an experienced coach.

People from all over the world come to live and work in the Canary Islands. Often in the tourist industry, but also in other companies. That step is often just a little bigger than some people think. Getting used to culture and working mentality. Homesick or need for physical contact to discuss your problems.

For many people from Northern Europe, the Canary Islands are the place to start enjoying their pension. In anticipation of this, they already buy or rent a second home and often stay there during the winter period. After their retirement they will then move permanently. This is often very good, but there are also days when you are not so happy. Homesick, death of partner, missing children, social isolation, are just a few common things. Then it can be very nice to be able to talk to an experienced coach and look for solutions together.

Method Futura Esperanza

A combination of existing methodologies, new insights, personal knowledge and experience. On this basis, we offer everyone a tailor-made guidance, because no man is the same. The starting point is a high degree of self-efficacy under expert guidance. With the aim of rebuilding confidence in the future.

In this way, we make sure that you can keep the relaxation of the Canary Islands longer and apply it in your daily activities. We do this by offering space to think about your personality, who you have become through all those events and experiences, simultaneously with the relaxation. With your own reactions and the consequences of that again. How do you deal with situations, surroundings and people?

Remote workers

To live and work, the Canary Islands are very attractive. Sun, sea, volcanic energy and friendly people. It seems easier than it is. A different culture, language, eating and work ethic. For one, a blessing, the other never gets used to it. Then sometimes you need a piece of guidance, a sparring partner to see the beautiful things again.


As elsewhere in the world, the managers of companies in the Canary Islands have a lot of problems to solve. Human resources, such as too few good people, absenteeism and start-up problems. But of course, the own balance between work, privat and personal is not always in balance. Sometimes you lose the overview. With our method and guidance, you can regain control of the challenges outlined.


A second house to winter, you settle permanently or travel regularly between the motherland and the Canary Islands. Mostly to enjoy the attractive conditions, such as sun, sea, friendly people and volcanic energy. Plenty of reasons to stay here. But sometimes you need a good conversation or some extra guidance.

effective realistic involved

NOBCO Nedrlandse orde van beroepscoaches
EMCC European Mentoring & Coaching Cousil
The Global Code of Ethics For Coaches, Mentors, and Supervisors

We are a member of the Dutch Order of Professional Coaches, because we value quality. In addition, we endorse the NOBCO Code of Ethics and comply with the complaints regulations. This offers extra security for you as a customer.